Monday, March 4, 2013

Lauren's birth story

I know everyone says this, but this is seriously a long post...
So I had a c-section with Max, but I was really hoping to do a VBAC this time around. The doctors told me I was a great candidate to try for a vaginal birth, but that meant waiting it out. I couldn't be induced. I had false labor so much that it was hard to imagine it all really happening. I was so anxious and excited that it drove me crazy to wait.
Arriving at the hospital the first time.
On February 28th (2 days before my due date) I had an appointment to see if I was dilated to a 3 and was disappointed to find out I was a 2 1/2. I had my membranes stripped and sent on my way. I was pretty sad. I really didn't want to end up having a c-section, but it's what would happen if I didn't start progressing. I knew she would come eventually. I mean there's really only one way to stop being pregnant... On the morning of March 1st I woke up around 5 am with stronger contractions (only to find later that they were nothing compared to real contractions). I definitely felt different than when I had braxton hicks, but I didn't want to get too excited. They progressively got closer together and we headed to the hospital around 10 am. Cami came to watch Max. We got there and they checked me. I was at a 3 but not in active labor. For some reason, my contractions that had been 4 minutes apart were now like 6 minutes or more apart. George and I passed the time by playing some games. I was monitored until 2ish and then given the option to be "induced" (Dr. Wolsey could break my water). There was a chance that breaking my water wouldn't put me into labor and I would have to have a c-section. The doctor and nurse thought it would be more likely for VBAC if I went home and labored there, but I had the choice. It was a hard decision because we had already planned on coming to have a baby, but we went home. We didn't want any increased risks.
Feeling much better after having an epidural
Once home, I immediately started having worse contractions. It was very difficult to relax through them and it was miserable. I threw up 3 times, which was not pleasant. Around 5:45 pm George convinced me to go back to the hospital. I was in a lot of pain and I wish I had taken them up on giving me a morphine shot. I have honestly never been in more pain in my life! George asked me if he should stop the car and I just said that it wouldn't make a difference and to just get us to the hospital. George was so great during all of this. He rubbed my back and stayed by my side the entire time! We got to the hospital at 6 pm and I was contracting pretty bad. I was so amazed how quickly everyone was working. My nurse, Stephanie, was awesome. She checked me and I was at a 5. Dr. Wolsey came and broke my water, which was way awkward feeling, and the anesthesiologist got me some heavenly epidural! That was so great! I tip my hat to women that do it naturally, but I'm pretty sure I could never do it. After about 45 minutes I told Stephanie that I was feeling a lot of pressure near my bottom. She checked me and I was 9! I was shocked. Not too much longer I was a 10 and ready to start pushing. It was definitely not as dramatic as movies make it seem, mostly because of the epidural and completely floppy legs. When a contraction would come, Stephanie and George would hold my legs and I would push so hard. They were great coaches and very encouraging. George would count to 10 and I tried my hardest to push on one breath. I started pushing around 7:20 pm and I could see the babies head after not too many pushes. Stephanie called the doctor in and in one more push she was out. She was crying before she even came all the way out.

All clean!
Look at all that hair
George was really excited about this orange bow he picked out
 Lauren Elyse was born at 8:14 pm and weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 19 inches long. It's hard to tell who she looks like, but I see some Max in her. We got to do skin to skin, but I was shaking so bad that she probably wondered what was wrong with me. We weren't able to breastfeed at first because of the shaking. George went with her to get bathed and she sure cleans up nice. She is adorable and has a ton of brown hair. I had no idea she had so much hair! Apparently she pooped a ton while getting bathed, George thought it was pretty funny. I spent the night without George because we thought he needed to be with Max. Max was so excited to meet Lauren and was very sweet to start out, but progressively he got more rough with her. We will have to watch him closely.
Snacking on hospital crackers. Waiting to meet his little sister.
Opening his gift from Lauren
Max gave Lauren a little cat
Lots of kisses

Max was starting to get a little fiesty

First family picture. Kind of blurry.

Napping on the chair bed
Coming home!
It was all a completely different experience than with Max. It all turned out how it needed to with Max. I was terrified to have a baby so having one 5 weeks early was made much better by having a c-section. But this time I'm so glad I got to have my baby right away and not have her stuck in the NICU. We are so happy to have her here!


  1. You are awesome! You could totally go natural since you dealt with all that pain and still chose to go home to have the beat chance at a VBAC. Seriously, I am amazed that you had the strength and determination to do that! You are such a great mom and she is so adorable!

  2. Lauren is so-ooo beautiful! I love those eyes!!!

  3. I just had to read your birth story! I love these and Lauren's is so precious! Good job being in labor pretty much all day! Super cute pictures too:).
