Monday, August 12, 2013

Bear Lake!

Bear lake was a little different this year, but still fun. We stayed at a group camping spot which makes sense since we have more than 50 people every year. We were there from Monday to Friday, which is a day longer than usual. (We chickened out on staying the last day because we thought there was going to be a huge storm and didn't really want an awful night). It was different but a good different I think. It wasn't so fun when all the bathrooms were out of service...This year was also different because Ashlee and Drew were on missions and Zach left half way through. We got to keep Justin for the whole time though. It's strange to see our family changing and growing, but it's good growth for sure! The kiddos did great with the exception of Lauren screaming at like 11 every night because she got woken up. That girl can scream!
On our way!

Zach and Keaton

cool sunset when driving home

Max's pants fell down

classic waverunner shot

frog prison

Justin has always been the sand castle king. I loved when Taylor said he was learning from the best (Justin)

Boys and their prisoners

tricky zach

At least she sort of got it...Kari doesn't usually even touch the water

Melissa's trick

The great destroyer taking down sand castles

Rub a dub dub

Mom's always got her warm washcloth

Fun survival bracelets we made. The kids really got into it and made some awesome ones! I couldn't do anything but the basics.

The 3 amigos

Camden was the cutest helper with the chicken dinner.

Mommy and baby bracelets

Max with a bucket on his head and Kendra on the longboard. Random little adventure.

I love Hannah's sweet smile!

The eating area was practically on the beach which was pretty fun

Lisa has had these sweats for like 50 years! :) I hope she never gets rid of them!

Justin setting a good example and doing dishes

Messy every minute of the trip. One time he didn't want to touch something because he thought he'd get dirty. Then I reminded him that it was the least of his worries. haha

Hiding in the truck to get some iPad time in while we cleaned up. He was totally zoned out.