Monday, December 17, 2012

Zoo lights and temple square

This year we were able to go to Zoo Lights at Hogle Zoo. We sort of crashed a double date that Katie and Cami were on, but Max is cute enough that it's no big deal. We actually didn't really even see them so it was ok. It was really cool to see all the lights, I think I thought we would see more animals, but silly me for thinking that they would be awake and have lights shining on them. They were still cool and actually I've never seen the big cats so awake. The bats were awake too, but they're kind of icky. It was a great family adventure!
Max loved the elephant and giraffe
giving the giraffe a hug
We also wanted to make a trip downtown to see the lights. We found out the new frontrunner train was going to have a free ride day so it our "perfect" plan we were going to ride downtown, get onto trax and go to City Creek and to Temple Square. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened but there were WAY too many people with the exact same idea. We had to wait for the train in the freezing cold for 1 1/2 hours. When we finally got on the train, we were not in seats by a window and there were a million people everywhere! Plus, we were right by the bathroom so there were even more people by us than usual because they all had to go to the bathroom after waiting for so long! We finally got downtown and there were just people everywhere and it was snowing and so cold. We did everything we planned on doing, but Max wasn't really in a very good mood, so that made everything harder. Going back home was insane! George and Max got on the train before me and I couldn't find them once I got on. Luckily, I was standing by some funny people so it didn't stink as bad. I was finally able to find them after people got off in American Fork. It wasn't a super fun day, but it was definitely an adventure! We will probably try the train out again someday, but it might take us a while.
Waiting for the train
Staying warm on the bus while waiting for the train
Notice the millions of people on the train
Picture of all the people shoved into a small space, it only got worse as we kept going
Max entertained us all by catching snowflakes on his tongue. It was pretty cute!
This is at the Riverwoods

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