Thursday, May 17, 2012

A tribute to mothers

Being a mom is hard work. I feel like I've had my patience tested to its limit this week. But then I look at this beautiful little boy and remember that being a mom is the best job I've ever had. It's definitely an adventure, but it's my favorite adventure. I am so grateful for all the wonderful examples I have around me. My mom and sisters (Smiths and Pattersons) are so amazing and I am so grateful to be able to learn from them.

Someday when you read this I want you to know that I have learned so much from you.
You've taught me how to earnestly pray.
You've taught me that Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us.
You've taught me that even that smallest spirits have the largest hearts.
You've taught me what a contagious laugh sounds like.
You have taught me what it really means to have unconditional love for someone.
You've taught me how to let loose and let things get destroyed. 
And most importantly, you've taught me how to be a mother, I will always be in debt to you for this gift. 
(No, I did not come up with that on my own. I wish. I saw it on this blog and thought it wrapped up my feelings nicely) 

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