Saturday, June 1, 2013

Birthday and aquarium fun

6 weeks old
Ok, so George's birthday was in April, but I'm trying to catch up. George was so excited to have his birthday this year because he wouldn't have to worry about school or homework. He decided to take the day off and so we made our way to the aquarium. We were going to go to the zoo, but it ended up being super cold. Max loved the aquarium! I could tell he was a little wary of certain things, but for the most part he enjoyed it. He still talks about the things we saw there nearly 2 months later. I may even consider getting us season passes because I found out they don't cost that much. We drOk, so George's birthday was in April, but I'm trying to catch up. George was so excited to have his birthday this year because he wouldn't have to worry about school or homework. He decided to take the day off and so we made our way to the aquarium. We were going to go to the zoo, but it ended up being super cold. Max loved the aquarium! I could tell he was a little wary of certain things, but for the most part he enjoyed it. He still talks about the things we saw there nearly 2 months later. I may even consider getting us season passes because I found out they don't cost that much. We stopped at mom and dad's house and mom helped me make a pie crust for George's apple pie. We ordered some yummy pizza and enjoyed our pie! It was a great day!
Trying to wake up the otters
This octopus was awesome to watch but pretty creepy. You can see the hesitation in Max's eyes.

We have a picture of Max from the first time we came to the aquarium standing next to the penguin on the right and he was shorter than it. He's grown so much!
Max came face to face to sharks and other scary things, but the only thing that truly scared him was found in the gift shop! dun dun dun! And it was a rubber penguin and rubber octopus.
I took this picture so we would remember that Lauren existed at this time because she slept the whole time at the aquarium
George always asks for a pie for his birthday. Thanks for helping me make the crust mom!

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