Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's a boy!

I have done more blogging in this one day than I have in my whole life! It's kind of crazy! I figured I top off the night with some pictures of our more recent ultrasound!
Here's a top view showing his little arms

He was moving a lot, but he sort of let us take his picture. This is a picture of his face. I swear he was waving at us when we were looking at this view :)
Here are 2 strong legs. He'll be a soccer player of course!
This is obviously a little foot.
It's crazy what they can find in there with the right equipment. It's a good thing the sonographer knew what she was doing because everything basically looks the same. It was so fun to see our strong and wiggly little man!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I'm excited to follow your cute little family. A boy! How exciting. Congrats!

  2. Boys are awesome!!! Yay! Glad you made a blog Linds. Thanks for the invite :)
